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Author: Greenberg Law

Why no injury is too small to speak to an accident lawyer Boca Raton

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, slip-and-fall, or another incident due to someone else’s negligence; you may be wondering if you should discuss your case with an accident lawyer Boca Raton. Many victims who do not suffer from major injuries initially decline the option of discussing their case with an attorney because they assume thatTop of Form Bottom of Formtheir injuries are minor. In many situations, this could be a mistake and victims may lose compensation that they may be entitled to for their losses and sustained injuries. Here are some reasons to speak with an accident lawyer...

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Why a Police Report is Important for a Personal Injury Lawyer Delray Beach

  After you are involved in an automobile accident, one of the first steps to take after the incident should be contacting the police—no matter the severity of the accident. There are several reasons to contact the police, but the most important is that the police will fill out a report about what happened. The official police report can be great documentation for your personal injury claim.  However, it is not necessary to have a police report to file a personal injury claim. If you do not have a police report, then your personal injury lawyer Delray Beach can help you...

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How social media can be used against your claim with an injury lawyer Delray Beach

    Many people are on some form of social media today. It may seem like an invasion of privacy, but your social media posts can be used against you in any type of legal case. This includes personal injury cases where you are attempting to prove an injury due to the negligence of another party. If you have been injured due to someone’s negligence, in addition to hiring an experienced injury lawyer Delray Beach, it is important to remember that the person or business you are accusing of causing that injury may be fighting to prove that you are not seriously injured...

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Should you consult with a car accident attorney Delray Beach before settling for the other driver’s policy limit?

If you are injured because of an automobile accident that was caused by another driver, that driver's insurance company may offer you what is known as the policy limit. A policy limit is the maximum amount of money for a particular type of coverage on an insurance company.  Typically, an insurance company will not pay you more than the policy limit, regardless of the injuries sustained.  The policy limit is based on what insurance policy the driver has at the time of the accident. Even if the policy limit is a high payout, it is suggested that you consult with a car accident...

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How do I prove liability in a slip and fall Boca Raton case?

Claims involving a slip and fall injury are a type of personal injury case that can happen because a property owner was negligent in maintaining the premises. This can sometimes be the result of a spilled substance on the floor.  A trip and fall can also occur as a result of something more permanent like a crack in a walkway or uneven sidewalk. When a visitor or tenant living on another person's property sustains injuries in a slip and fall Boca Raton, the property owner or management company in charge of the property could be held liable for the injuries....

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